Thursday, January 6, 2011


 we have alot of fun in the shop
one of the games i like to play with people is a guessing game

i always tell them that if they can guess what the yabba ding ding is used for
i will give it to them for FREE

well i am happy to say that  Christopher Sorensen
guessed correctly and is now a proud owner of the
payan yabba ding ding

you are wondering what it is??
oh i can't give away the surprise!  
what do you think it is?
or better yet...
come in to the shop and guess for yourself!

way to go Christopher!
thanks for taking this photo for me so i could post it here
and then going an extra step and emailing it to me
it is people like yourself that makes being in the shop such a joy!
i am happy to hear you had a wonderful day in roatan
and the rest of your cruise was good as well.
happy and blessed 2011!!