Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thanks for your donations!!

this man was so touched that he cried!
Apparently I believe it was the Burns family who started a thread on Cruise Critic about bringing down clothes to the needy in Roatan.  We didn't know about this but one day about 8 different families on the Norwegian Dawn began to come into our store and BLESS us with suitcases and huge boxes of clothes.  THANK YOU!

We diligently sorted and sorted and began to hand them out.
We gave clothes to the street kids around the shop, we went into the hospital and gave beautiful
baby clothes to the mother's there, we hand delivered into many small communities like crawfish rock, el higuero, we took enough clothes to outfit 90 kids at the "I was, I am" feeding program.

It has been a blast!
Blessings to you all!

happy faces!!!

this is just SOME of what we had left over.  it literally filled our spare bedroom!!!

a man from crawfish rock with his little son

the boys on the street loved their new shoes!

i know it is hard to imagine but some women go to have their babies but have nothing for them.

Thanks again for putting 'feet' to your love and concern by DOING something.  It made a big difference here and blessed alot of people.

Jesus said, It is more blessed to give then receive.  I trust He will indeed bless YOU!  :-)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Some New Things!!

handcarved boats, water colour paintings

wire wrapped butterfly with  different coloured beads
wire wrapped sea glass

I love seaglass!

Pop Cap Necklaces with lots of images, initials and inspirational sayings

handwoven bracelets
You can get these online or drop by the store in Roatan.  We are just up from the Coxen Hole port (a 5 min) walk towards town.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

We are open!!

What a wonderful past few weeks we have had at the Made in Roatan shop!   It's been fun to have many repeat visitors come.  Great to catch up, grab a lunch at Miss Edana's (Muddah's Kitchen... yes that is by far the best local island food close to the cruise ship port!)

I want to say thanks to those of you who brought down clothes!   WOW!   And those of you who gave us wonderful, beautiful jewelry supplies and a plethora of beads!!!  DOUBLE WOW!   Thanks Jackie, Lynda, Sandy and Bill and the gang!   You blessed our socks off!

I apologize for all the rain lately but it is our rainy season.  I know it can be frustrating to have your excursions cancelled but I appreciate all the people we met the last week who braved the 'elements' and walked into our shop.  We love meeting all of you!

A note about our artists:  Christena is graduating from high school majoring in tourism.  We are excited to see what is 'next' for her.   Christy is graduating from grade six and the last exam she wrote she got 100%.   Pedro is finishing up school this week too.    Diana will be repeating grade 7 again next year due to the fact that she didn't have what was required for gym class and that she fell behind in several other classes.   I told her to tell us so we can  help because we are here for them.   With tears in her eyes she thanked me.
pedro and christena making jewelry at our home

A beautiful young girl came into the shop on Thursday and was interested in what we are doing.  I said, Well it is more then just a way to provide income for the families.  We are doing our best to keep the young artists in school, mentoring them with Christian values and encouraging them to believe that there is a future for them beyond poverty.   She wrapped her arms around me and with tears in her eyes said,  "I am where I am today because of a woman like you in my life.  I am happy to say that I just graduated from Law School.   Don't give up believing in these kids.   They need you in their life"    

We both cried.  Christena was in the shop that day and I know that she was impacted.  That is what it is all about:  loving someone enough to make a difference in their everyday life.  It really does have impact.

So thanks again for all the support you give us.
Continue to think of others.  I know you will be blessed as you do and the world will change around you.

I hope when you come that you have a beautiful turquoise blue sea day, feel the warmth of the winter sun on your shoulders and a true sense of His blessing on your days....

Sunday, July 22, 2012

No ships in Coxen Hole

The Coxen Hole port is closed until October so what is happening with our little "Made in Roatan" shop???   Well we decided to close the shop since we didn't want the owners to have to continue to pay municipal taxes without any sales.  BUT if you are coming to Roatan, or have friends who are coming they can still see and purchase local made items.   We now have the things at our house.  You can email us at or please call to set up an appt for view.   Bob 9849 0386.

Times are hard on the island so we appreciate the support we have recieved from mission teams, and visitors to the island.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Heart that Gives is Blessed!

We meet hundreds and hundreds of different people every week in the Made in Roatan shop.  I want to share one story with you about a family we met.

It was back in November when a couple came in with their two twin teenage daughters.   We were able to share how our little non profit shop was able to help poor families on the island not only providing practical aid to them, but giving them a sense of purpose and pride in being able to work hard when many people do not work. It feels good to belong to something: and they belong not only in the Made in Roatan shop but in our hearts!  They were so impressed with Pedro and Victor's work and bought one of the boys bracelets.

Just as they were leaving the shop the father told me that he was planning on surprising the girls with another trip to Roatan but this time they were coming back to help the poor.  I told him that if he wanted that we could take them to Punta Gorda to see the village where Pedro and Victor live and they could bless the people out there.   We exchanged emails and they headed back to the cruise ship.

I am happy to say that after many emails back and forth we arranged to meet them at the Carnival Port of Mahogany Bay. They came walking up the ramp with two very large and heavy duffel bags loaded down  with flipflops, clothes, bags, school supplies and candy!!  They had originally told the girls  that they were going to ship the things down to Roatan and so the girls had asked for donations from their school but what they didn't know is that their dad had planned for them to HAND DELIVER them directly!  What a Christmas present that was!!!  We were SO happy to be the ones to take them out and show them the "Real Roatan"

So we started our drive up towards Punta Gorda with the warm sun on our shoulders, a soft breeze blowing and joy in our hearts.  It was a gorgeous day!   The sea at "The View" showed forth all her glory with brilliant turquoise waters against a royal blue sky!    I called my Christian friend, Miss Catherine and asked her to gather up people at the church and so when we arrived everyone was sitting patiently.  We started with the youngest ones first and gave them flipflops.  Most of the clothing was for teenagers and they were so happy to receive jeans, shorts and tshirts.

click to view LARGE

I spoke to one lady in Spanish and she thought it was increíble!!  I shared with her that many people come on the cruise ship for a vacation and they enjoy the beaches, tours, ziplining but this family decided to come again to 'give back' to Roatan.   It  WAS incredible!

   I kept thanking the Rowe Family over and over again for their generous hearts and their willingness to think of others instead of simply thinking of themselves.  I believe the whole Christian message could be summed up in the words "Do to OTHERS as you would have them do to you"   Luke 6:31

We also took them on a boat tour through the mangroves at Oakridge and even while we were there they were stopping the boat to give candy to the kids and the joy they had was indescribable!  

click to view LARGE
It was such a blessed day!
It was a day about OTHERS!
I remember the day when I first read this scripture:
"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others"
Phil 2:4
It was the beginning of a radical change in my thinking:   looking out for the interest of others.
  Not just looking out for myself, but OTHERS!   
Others, others, others..
oh  Jesus help us to love as You love and to see as You see, and to help as You help.