Then I asked the BIG question: What are we going to do with all that?
He said, "Oh we can help young island girls make jewelry and then they can, in turn help their families!"
"But Bob I don't know how to make jewelry!!"
He just smiled! :-)
So I called Michele and asked for a crash course on jewelry making. She came over one evening (yes I only got a 2 hour lesson) and taught me how to make the 'p loop' (the what?!) and how to finish off necklaces, how to use the tools etc. I admit, even now I am not very good at it but I am able to teach the girls and it is helping the families.
So that is what we are doing. Below is a photo of some of the jewelry (there is LOTS more) and of course, the beautiful girls!

I want to introduce you to the girls
Kendi Mendoza is 15 years old and she lives in the Colonia nearby where we live. I got to know her about a year ago. Her brother works for us as a gardener and he has been the sole provider for his family for the 2 years that they have been living here. Their dad just got a job as a night watchman and we are so grateful. Kendi is a delightful young girl. She wasn't able to go to school since her family couldn't afford to put her in school so this year we registered her, got her books and supplies plus her uniform and now she is doing very well in school. She is so smart! I can attest to how quickly she has picked up the art of jewelry making and already we are seeing her creativity blossom! Thank you for your support with this family! I know they appreciate it so much.
Angela and Christy Webster are sisters who are 14 and 15 years old.
We got to know them in February of this year when we found out, through a friend that the girls weren't able to go to school because the Mom couldn't afford to put them in school. So Bob, bless his heart, jumped in the car, drove to their home and picked up the girls (and their brothers) and took them shopping for school supplies and uniforms. They are so happy to be able to go to school. We are grateful to the people who send us money so we can help the locals. It is making a difference in their lives! About a month ago their mom had her 8th (and last) baby. Until she heals up she isn't able to work so we decided to teach the girls to make jewelry and sell it in the shop. They have been very busy making earrings, bracelets and necklaces and we are so proud of them.
If you come into the shop, check out their work. It really does help immensely in their lives as right now they have no source of income coming in. (their father is in jail) I know they are months behind in paying for the rent, and are grateful for the food from friends and family. Every little bit helps!! I can say this for certain: HE takes care of them. You can read about them in my other blog. You can read it here
God bless you all!